Pharmaceutical Services for Adults with Cystic Fibrosis
Since 1990, the New Jersey State Organization of Cystic Fibrosis has administered a special state-funded program, “Pharmaceutical Services for Adults with Cystic Fibrosis.”
As more and more individuals with CF reach adulthood, they face increasing financial burdens and difficulty financing the high costs of living with cystic fibrosis. In response to the increasing needs of adults with CF, NJSOCF developed a plan for an adult program, now funded by the State of New Jersey.

Services are available to New Jersey residents with CF, age 18 and over, whose incomes meet state eligibility requirements. Direct service components of the program include assistance with paying for prescription medication; office visits and diagnostic copayments; home IV out-of-pocket expenses; medical equipment and supplies; nutritional supplements; and extra nutritious food. The program will also pay a health insurance deductible. Adults from every county in New Jersey are currently enrolled in the adult program and new applicants are always welcome to apply.
The adult program provides financial assistance for:
- Prescription drugs and co-payments. With a doctor’s prescription, eligible adults can receive assistance paying for medication needed to treat cystic fibrosis. The program reimburses participants for health insurance co-pays.
- Office visits and diagnostic testing. With the name of physician, date of visit or procedure, name of procedure or reason for visit, and amount patient has paid, eligible adults can be reimbursed for doctors’ visits and routine testing, lab work, x-rays and sputum cultures related to the treatment of cystic fibrosis.
- Medical equipment and supplies. Eligible adults can receive assistance in paying for home care equipment and medical supplies needed to treat CF.
- Nutritional supplements. A variety of nutritional supplements, including vitamins, Aquadeks, and prepared supplements such as Ensure, ScandiShakes, Boost can be provided to CF adults.
- Extra nutritious foods. A fixed monthly amount is available to participants to help defray the expenses of the extra food that they require. Covered food items include milk and dairy products, meats, fruits and vegetables, breads and cereals.
Other Services for Adults:
- Coverage of health insurance deductible. Financial assistance of up to $1,000 per year is available to help meet the cost of the deductible on the health insurance policy for adults with CF age 18 and over who meet the programs’ income limits. This financial assistance may be provided in addition to assistance for prescription drugs, medical supplies and equipment, nutritional supplements and extra nutritious foods.
- Public and patient education. NJSOCF provides a variety of educational pamphlets and brochures on diagnosis, treatment, and living successfully with the disease.
- Patient counseling. NJSOCF provides one-on-one counseling about available treatment, services and benefits available to CF adults. The organization is known for always “being there” to provide much-needed emotional support to individuals and families.
- Referrals. NJSOCF refers individuals with CF to appropriate medical and social services resources throughout the state of New Jersey. These include CF centers and other special programs that offer assistance to CF adults.
The overall objective of the adult program is to enable individuals with cystic fibrosis throughout the state to continue to lead their lives as productive members of the New Jersey community. Any donations received go towards supporting our cause and helping those suffering with this debilitating condition.
How to Apply
NJSOCF urges eligible adults with CF throughout the state to apply for assistance. Funds are available now to help meet your needs.
Send your completed application forms to:
New Jersey State Organization of Cystic Fibrosis
P.O. Box 3648
Wayne, NJ 07474
To expedite the application process, please make sure that all of the information you provide is accurate, up to date and verifiable. Please call if you need assistance with completing your application.